Kee Safety Kee Safety is a leading global supplier of fall protection and safe access products, services and training.

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Fall Protection / Training / Safety Solutions
  • News
  • Kee Safety to Host Open Day for New Fall Protection Training Centre

Kee Safety to Host Open Day for New Fall Protection Training Centre

An Open Day to introduce the new Kee Safety Fall Protection Training Centre will be held on Wednesday, June 7, and Thursday, June 8, 2023, from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM at the company’s new facility in Calgary. Kee Safety recently launched the program to provide Industrial Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA) certification and other qualified fall protection instruction.

“We believe that our training facility is second to none in North America and look forward to this opportunity to showcase our capabilities,” said Martin Castle, Rope Access & Training General Manager for Kee Safety.

All Kee Safety training staff experts and sales personnel will be on hand for Open Day to display the company’s product range and all courses that are available at the training center. The IRATA-certified training includes:

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  • Level 1 to perform a range of rope access maneouveres and understand current legislation.
  • Level 2 to rig working ropes, perform rescues, and undertake other rope maneouveres.
  • Level 3 to provide site supervision for rope access projects, advanced rescue techniques, and further legislative and IRATA certification and assessment knowledge.

Other Kee Safety training courses include:


“Although we have extended hours, a guest can visit with us on a relaxed, informal basis and see everything on display in about two or three hours,” Martin Castle said.

Invited guests include presidents, directors, supervisors, surveyor’s inspectors, consultants, management, and operatives from a wide range of industries, such as oil and gas, wind energy, construction, theatre, entertainment, utilities, emergency services, and rescue operations.

Austin Townsend, President of Kee Safety, North America, and (William Parsons) Technical Director of Kee Safety, will also be present at Open Day.

Register Now for the Training Centre Open Day

Click here to Register

Kee Safety is a leading global supplier of fall protection safe access products, services, and training. The new training centre, where the Open Day will be held, is located at Unit 107 – 7155, 57 Street SE, Calgary, AB. Phone: 587-330-8128 Ext 423

Kee Safety Ltd. is headquartered in Canada at 40 N Rivermede Rd, Units 6-7, Concord, ON L4K 2H3. Phone: 905-669-1494. Toll-Free: 1-877-505-5003. Email:.

For more information, contact:

Martin Castle

Office: 587-330-8128 Ext 435


Jay Blitzer

Office 587-330-8128 Ext 423